
Why Choose AmigaToken

Amiga Token is different than any currency you’ve used before. Here's why:

Amiga Community
Token was created for Amiga Community. We will use and invest on it :)
Easily could be transferred between Wallets like MetaMask, Trust or Ethereum Wallet
Blockchain Safe
It uses safe EtherScan - SmartChain platform
Could be buy by cryptocurrency easily like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum

Buy and sell - all you need to know about AMIT-Coin

Will be one of your best investment option for amiga community.
Make your investment on it and join amigaToken ecosystem before price rise.

Take Your First Steps to Becoming a AMIT-coiner Today!

Quick Facts:


-Safe EtherScan ERC20 Token Blockchain System.

-You can use your Ethereum Wallets like MetaMask or Trust to keep and transfer.

-Summer 2024, It will be listed on Coin Exchange Platforms.

-Summer 2024, It will be added buy/sell  NFTs option.

-Late 2025, will be added option to use it on  MetaVerse platform for Amiga Community for buying - selling retro Amiga items on Metaverse.

Make your investment on amigaToken!

Buy 1000pcs > 0.5usd each , total 500usd
Buy 500pcs > 0.75usd each , total 375usd
Buy 250pcs > 0.88usd each , total 220usd
Buy 100pcs > 0.95usd each , total 95usd 

Case Studies

Meet Our Team

We are Amiga Enthusiast who believe that someday Amiga will return :)
We are planning to list it on MetaVerse  platform by the end of 2024
we value the experimentation and the smart incentives.
Alina Gencer
Blockchain Developer
Hakan Saglam
Oleg Seleznev
Chief officer

How To Buy

amigaToken is a rug-proof deflationary ERC20 token on the Etherscan Smart Chain platform.

Download & setup MetaMask or TrustWallet:

Download MetaMask (a crypto wallet in form of a browser extension) or TrustWallet (an app for your mobile phone).

Take Your First Steps to Becoming a AMIT-coiner Today!

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